- What is Title IX?
Title IX is a federal law that prohibits sex-based discrimination in education programs and activities that receive federal funding. This includes issues of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, stalking, and related misconduct. Rutgers University has specific procedures to address these concerns under Title IX.
- Who will be contacting me for the interview?
If the University is contacting you for an interview, the interviewer will identify themselves as a university investigator and they will write to you either from Maxient.com or from a “rutgers.edu” email address. If you have any concerns regarding the identity of someone reaching out to you regarding an investigation, please contact the Title IX Office at 848-932-8200.
- Why am I being asked to participate as a witness?
You are being asked to participate because you may have information that is relevant to the investigation. Your perspective could provide important details about what happened, even if you didn’t directly witness the incident.
- Do I have to participate as a witness?
While participation is voluntary, your contribution is important for ensuring a thorough investigation. You are encouraged to participate to help provide a complete picture of the events under review. We recognize the difficulty of participating in an investigation and the concerns that witnesses have about their participation and how it may impact their personal and professional relationships.. Individuals who have such concerns are strongly encouraged to contact the Title IX Investigator to discuss possible ways Rutgers can help prevent potential acts of retaliation and/or work with a witness to find a solution that may help them feel comfortable participating in the investigation.
- Will my information be kept confidential?
The University will take reasonable steps to protect your privacy. However, complete confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. The information you provide will be shared with the parties involved, as well as with individuals who need to know to conduct a fair process.
- What can I expect during the interview?
The interview is between yourself and one, potentially two investigators; other parties involved will not be present. During the interview, investigators will ask you about your knowledge of the events being investigated. You may be asked about observations, communications, or interactions relevant to the case.
- Do I need to prepare for the interview?
No specific preparation is required, but it can be helpful to review any relevant communications, messages, or other documentation you may have. The investigator may ask you to provide these materials if they are relevant to the investigation.
- What if I don't remember certain details?
It's okay if you don’t remember everything. The investigator will ask you to share what you do recall. If you don't know or are unsure of certain details, it’s important to be honest about that.
- What happens with the information that I provide?
Investigators will write a summary of your statement and send it to you to review for accuracy. You may request edits to your written summary if something is inaccurate. Once fully accurate, the information will be shared with the parties involved, as well as with individuals who need to know to conduct a fair process. You may also be contacted to participate in a hearing after the investigation is complete.
- Do you have an amnesty policy for student witnesses with respect to other student conduct violations (underage drinking, drugs, etc.)?
The University encourages students to report and discuss openly all instances of conduct prohibited by the Title IX Policy. Therefore, information related to drug or alcohol possession or consumption will not be reported to the Office of Student Conduct. Amnesty does not apply in situations where alcohol or other drugs are used as a tool to facilitate a violation of the Title IX Policy and/or instances of illegal alcohol or other drug distribution.
- Can I talk about the complaint and investigation with others?
To protect the privacy of all who are involved and to protect the integrity of the investigation, witnesses are asked to keep information as private as possible and should avoid sharing such information with others.
- May I record the interview?
Audio and/or visual recording of interviews is prohibited, and violations may result in discipline. Written notes are permitted.
- What happens if I’m retaliated against for participating as a witness?
Retaliation against any participant in a Title IX process, including witnesses, is strictly prohibited by federal law and Rutgers policy. If you experience retaliation, you should report it to the Title IX Office immediately.
- Will I be informed of the outcome of the case?
As a witness, you will not be informed of the outcome. However, your role in the process is valued and important for ensuring a fair and thorough investigation.
- Who can I talk to for more information or support?
You can contact the Title IX Office for more information about your role as a witness. Additionally, below is a list of resources available to all Rutgers-New Brunswick students. If you are a Rutgers employee or a student on another campus, please contact the Title IX Office for resources available to you.